Those who feel more comfortable waiting it out a bit longer, are encouraged to hold off. It is still within the Torah’s guidelines of ושמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם (being extremely careful about our health), and thus not required to Daven with a minyan until they feel right about it. Resuming our Services, is in no way an indication that one opinion is more correct than another. It is simply the beginning of a slow recovery of which some feel ready for. However, we want to make it clear that your entrance to the Shul is at your own risk. The Shul assumes no responsibility. 

We encourage those who are 65 years and older or who have high-risk conditions to consult with their doctor about attending. If they have any concerns, they should not come and they should not in any way feel guilty about not attending.

Please review each of the following points:

  • No one with the virus or any virus-like symptoms may come to the Services.
  • Face masks will be required to be worn at all times while at the Shul
  • Everyone must keep a safe social distance while at Shul, including but not limited to, entering and exiting.
  • We ask that there is absolutely no congregating before and after Davening.
  • We will not have any indoor children’s program or supervision.
  • No food will be served and no food should be brought in.
  • If you have fever, a cough, a cold, or feel ill or sluggish in any way, please do not attend Services.
  • If you have been in the proximity of someone diagnosed in the past 14 days with Covid-19, please do not attend Services.

For those attending the Services, please read the following points:

  • Tables & chairs have been spaced out. One family per table.
  • Although we are all very excited to be back to our Shul and to our holy Torahs, please do NOT touch or kiss the Torah.
  • Please use hand sanitizer before and after Services. We will have hand sanitizer available at entry and exit.
  • Davening time will be shortened for this first phase of opening. 
  • The Rabbi will announce during Services how Torah reading, Aliyot and Hagba will work.
  • Cleaning: We will be increasing our cleaning of the Shul and disinfecting all surfaces after each service.
    • Children: Any children that can exercise social distancing may attend (Children over the age of 2 can wear a mask but it will not be mandatory.)

 This is a fluid protocol and subject to change without notice.

Together we can do this! By following these protocols, we can stand together and still do so safely. 

We look forward to reuniting together as one, with each other and with our G‑d in our spiritual home.